Religious Exemption For Vaccines
Several of you have inquired about the availability of a letter you could use to appeal for a religious exemption from the vaccine mandate that recently came out of Washington D.C. that carried with it a very severe threat of complying or face losing your job.
First, my personal opinion is that I don’t think our government can get away with this (yet) so if you don’t intend to comply, don’t cooperate either. DELAY the process to give inevitable court challenges time to make this a non-issue.
Secondly, having read the form that was brought to me, I could see they wanted a denominational directive or a church position that was dictating to you what you should do. We are a non-denominational church and TMC is not taking a position on this matter. This is, therefore, a matter of personal conviction and if I wrote a letter trying to give you an “out,” the form I saw stated that they are likely to do some research to check the validity of whatever I write, and if things didn’t check out, you would be immediately terminated.
I have been asked about the “mark of the beast” and “where do you draw the line?" I can answer both of those questions this way. From my study in Revelation, the problem comes with those who receive the mark of the beast and worship his image. Where TMC would draw the line at any cost, would involve our government mandating that we bow in worship to another.
I’m sorry that I can’t write a magic letter to help you avoid the vaccine you don’t want and keep your job that you think you need (“think” because God is still our provider).
I encourage you to be calm and let this play out. Don’t quit your job or do anything to unnecessarily speed up or aid the process that is currently moving towards your termination.
We hold opinions, until they aren’t worth it any longer but we will die for our convictions so decide which this is for you.
Personally, this is NOT the “mark of the beast” but I think what is difficult here is that it doesn’t take much imagination to see how we could get there from here and it scares you.
I pray that each of us would have a faith we would die for but I don’t see how this issue requires us to bow to another so I will leave your decisions for you to determine whether this rises to the level of “conviction” for you.
First, my personal opinion is that I don’t think our government can get away with this (yet) so if you don’t intend to comply, don’t cooperate either. DELAY the process to give inevitable court challenges time to make this a non-issue.
Secondly, having read the form that was brought to me, I could see they wanted a denominational directive or a church position that was dictating to you what you should do. We are a non-denominational church and TMC is not taking a position on this matter. This is, therefore, a matter of personal conviction and if I wrote a letter trying to give you an “out,” the form I saw stated that they are likely to do some research to check the validity of whatever I write, and if things didn’t check out, you would be immediately terminated.
I have been asked about the “mark of the beast” and “where do you draw the line?" I can answer both of those questions this way. From my study in Revelation, the problem comes with those who receive the mark of the beast and worship his image. Where TMC would draw the line at any cost, would involve our government mandating that we bow in worship to another.
I’m sorry that I can’t write a magic letter to help you avoid the vaccine you don’t want and keep your job that you think you need (“think” because God is still our provider).
I encourage you to be calm and let this play out. Don’t quit your job or do anything to unnecessarily speed up or aid the process that is currently moving towards your termination.
We hold opinions, until they aren’t worth it any longer but we will die for our convictions so decide which this is for you.
Personally, this is NOT the “mark of the beast” but I think what is difficult here is that it doesn’t take much imagination to see how we could get there from here and it scares you.
I pray that each of us would have a faith we would die for but I don’t see how this issue requires us to bow to another so I will leave your decisions for you to determine whether this rises to the level of “conviction” for you.

“Traumatic experiences have taken my faith, how can I get it back?”
What a GREAT message Graham gave last weekend from his very personal experiences in this matter! If you missed it, click below to watch it from our website.
My take away from Graham was that Satan wins when we shake our fist at God and turn our backs on Him but WE WIN when we shake our fist at Satan and run to Jesus!
Yes, God could prevent us from ever experiencing the effects of sin but that wasn’t His purpose in coming to earth and dying on the cross. If anything, the cross makes the effects of sin in our lives very real and rather than demonstrate his love by shielding us, he shows even greater love by defeating evil through His sacrifice.
I’m glad that we have a God who demonstrated his love by defeating sin and death rather than allow me to go through life not knowing how much I need Him! I would never see the need for Jesus if that was the case but the reality is that NOW I KNOW I NEED JESUS! You do too.
This week, Justin will address the question, ““Why would God create someone as a homosexual?” I hope you can come hear what he has to say!
Yes, God could prevent us from ever experiencing the effects of sin but that wasn’t His purpose in coming to earth and dying on the cross. If anything, the cross makes the effects of sin in our lives very real and rather than demonstrate his love by shielding us, he shows even greater love by defeating evil through His sacrifice.
I’m glad that we have a God who demonstrated his love by defeating sin and death rather than allow me to go through life not knowing how much I need Him! I would never see the need for Jesus if that was the case but the reality is that NOW I KNOW I NEED JESUS! You do too.
This week, Justin will address the question, ““Why would God create someone as a homosexual?” I hope you can come hear what he has to say!
Current building mortgage - $276, 138.20
Construction loan - $43, 832.61
We are still making progress!
Construction loan - $43, 832.61
We are still making progress!
Posted in covid, Relentless Love
Posted in #covidvaccine, #religiousexemption, #traumaticexperience, #viewsfromthepews, #relentlesslove
Posted in #covidvaccine, #religiousexemption, #traumaticexperience, #viewsfromthepews, #relentlesslove
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