Global Leadership Summit Challenge


Another GLS is history! From my perspective, each of the speakers had a message worth hearing and made a significant contribution to a great summit! What were your main takeaways? For me, I heard the Lord speaking about having the courage to lead our NEXT capital initiative (more on that later!).

This year, we had 80 paid registrants from our church plus several others who attended by serving. In the past, we have been able to provide a ticket to everyone who wanted to attend but with the costs rising, we don’t think we will be able to buy as many as before.

My challenge to you, is to register yourself now for GLS22 and to buy an extra ticket to share!

Kim and I have always bought 4-5 tickets for ourselves and others. It’s been cool to see people who we introduced to the Summit, “paying it ahead” now by providing tickets for others.

New Pricing Structure
Now until August 23: $139
From August 24 to June 15: $159
After June 15: $179

There are also discounts for students and military but you now have to call, (800) 570-9812, to receive that pricing.

To register, click below and you will also receive a pass to a half-day February 24 event.


Our Red Cross representative, April Robbins, recently wrote, “What another fantastic blood drive! We had a goal of 15 pints, and were able to collect 18 units going over goal! You and your donors have gone on to save 54 lives. We’re so grateful for the continued partnership with Thunder Mountain. I look forward to working with you on the next drive scheduled for August 29th. I see you already have 13 folks signed up. I’m so excited that we are able to host inside the church. The classrooms were perfect.”


We received word (warning) that the cartel activity down there is too strong at the moment for anyone from here to travel there safely.  Everything collected will either be saved for a time when the Lord reopens the door to return or in other creative ways prior to then.

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