Upcoming Trip to Casa

Casa Esperanza is one of our International Strategic Partners and a “House of Hope” for abused and abandoned children in Hermosillo, Mexico. It’s been awhile since anyone has been able to make a trip there but Joe Gramke is planning a trip there with a team of people and supplies on August 22 & 23!

NOW is the time to bring in donations for Casa! The needs are for adult and children clothing, underwear and socks, furniture, tools, soap of all types, hygiene products, fans and window a/c units. Please make sure everything is in good (or new) condition.

You can drop items off at the church office (“Ministry Support Center”) or, if you have any questions or want to coordinate a drop off at one of the two storage units they have, please email or call Joe at gramken3@gmail.com or 573-569-8538.


A really good start last Sunday and I will write more about it but the splits of adult attendance between the three services were 107, 196, and 99. Half of the weekend attendance occurred at 9:30.

Remember our three worship gatherings are 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00am.
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