Out of the Heart, the Mouth Speaks
Speak the truth, in love, for the benefit of the other person!
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:29–32 (NIV)
Let’s “observe” these verses and see what God reveals!
1. Stop unwholesome thoughts before they become unwholesome words!
2. I must speak ONLY what is helpful for those to whom I am speaking.
3. I am to speak in a way that BUILDS OTHERS UP in areas that they NEED building up!
4. To do THAT, I must take time to listen and learn the needs of others.
5. What I say MUST BENEFIT those who listen.
6. How I speak can grieve the Holy Spirit! YIKES!
7. Getting rid of negative emotions will help me speak with kindness and compassion (see vs. 31)
8. How I forgive (or don’t!) will affect how I speak too.
2. I must speak ONLY what is helpful for those to whom I am speaking.
3. I am to speak in a way that BUILDS OTHERS UP in areas that they NEED building up!
4. To do THAT, I must take time to listen and learn the needs of others.
5. What I say MUST BENEFIT those who listen.
6. How I speak can grieve the Holy Spirit! YIKES!
7. Getting rid of negative emotions will help me speak with kindness and compassion (see vs. 31)
8. How I forgive (or don’t!) will affect how I speak too.
My Application!
When you are in authority (i.e. as a parent), it’s really easy to speak for your own benefit. What do I mean? Have you ever spoken in a way that communicated, “I’M UPSET AND I’M GOING TO LET YOU KNOW IT!!!”
Well . . . my understanding of what Paul wrote, when I did that, I was sinning! Instead I need to set my feelings aside and speak honestly, sincerely, and truthfully so that (ready for this) . . . the OTHER person can come to know, love, and serve Jesus!
How you and I speak determines whether or not the mission of the church, as the Body of Christ, is fulfilled!
THAT’S WHY I believe the tongue is an important spiritual discipline!
Well . . . my understanding of what Paul wrote, when I did that, I was sinning! Instead I need to set my feelings aside and speak honestly, sincerely, and truthfully so that (ready for this) . . . the OTHER person can come to know, love, and serve Jesus!
How you and I speak determines whether or not the mission of the church, as the Body of Christ, is fulfilled!
THAT’S WHY I believe the tongue is an important spiritual discipline!
Speak the truth, in love, for the benefit of the other person!
1 Comment
Wonderful blog Pastor Youngblood. Would be great if the tongue was used to lift rather than tearing down. Remember at 50th wedding anniversary gathering in NC, the grandkids were not being nice and mean tongues were hurling hurtful words. Had them find and read scripture regarding it. Their eyes got big and apologies followed. They are all young adults now and I pray they practice tongue control!