ONENESS - Week Two
Special Guest Speaker Jorge Villalvazo, Lead Pastor, LifeHouse Church
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8 (NIV)
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8 (NIV)
Nearly every one of us would love to see more unity in our country or in our churches and we also know how to bring it about . . . namely, people need to see life as I see it!
People who think that way will never be the people God uses to create the unity He has put in our hearts to desire. Because we want to be instruments God uses to create the unity we desire, we are going to rotate pulpits the next two week with pastors of churches who grew up differently so that God can give us a greater understanding of the challenges that need to be overcome. I hope you can join us! This week I will be speaking at LifeHouse Church and my longtime friend, whom I greatly admire, Pastor Jorge Villalvazo will come to Thunder Mountain! I hope you can make it to give a warm TMC welcome to Pastors Jorge and Kristia and be blessed by how God will speak through him!
People who think that way will never be the people God uses to create the unity He has put in our hearts to desire. Because we want to be instruments God uses to create the unity we desire, we are going to rotate pulpits the next two week with pastors of churches who grew up differently so that God can give us a greater understanding of the challenges that need to be overcome. I hope you can join us! This week I will be speaking at LifeHouse Church and my longtime friend, whom I greatly admire, Pastor Jorge Villalvazo will come to Thunder Mountain! I hope you can make it to give a warm TMC welcome to Pastors Jorge and Kristia and be blessed by how God will speak through him!

Pastor Jorge Villalvazo was born in Mexico and moved to Sierra Vista in 1986 at the age of nine. His parents founded the church now known as LifeHouse Church in 1988. He attended Christ for the Nations Institute where he studied Pastoral Ministries. He became an ordained minister and the associate pastor in 2002 serving alongside his father. In 2003 He married his wife Kristia and together they have three children: Elena (17), Johan (15), and Gabriel (13). They became the Lead Pastors of LifeHouse Church in 2009 after the passing of his father.
In 2005, Pastor Jorge, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and experienced the healing power of the Lord. He has seen God’s hand move in many extraordinary ways and this has been a great drive in his pursuit of the Lord and in serving his people. He is passionate about discipling and training leaders to then in turn do the same with others. He has a heart for missions and believes that God has called him to disciple nations in Sierra Vista’s multi-cultural community.
After we did our weekly message run through together on Thursday, I am even more excited than before for the opportunity to hear Pastor Jorge’s message this weekend on how to “Walk Humbly'' in week two of our Oneness series! I hope you can make it!
In 2005, Pastor Jorge, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and experienced the healing power of the Lord. He has seen God’s hand move in many extraordinary ways and this has been a great drive in his pursuit of the Lord and in serving his people. He is passionate about discipling and training leaders to then in turn do the same with others. He has a heart for missions and believes that God has called him to disciple nations in Sierra Vista’s multi-cultural community.
After we did our weekly message run through together on Thursday, I am even more excited than before for the opportunity to hear Pastor Jorge’s message this weekend on how to “Walk Humbly'' in week two of our Oneness series! I hope you can make it!
Really looking forward to hearing Pastor Jorge's message!
Very excited to hear Pastor Jorge's message this weekend!
I believe the Church if Jesus Christ is the only hope of the world. You have touched upon my passion with this series. I have become involved with Love In the Name of Christ in Sierra Vista to help facilitate churches working together to need needs in our community. Jill