Who We Are

Thunder Mountain Church Pantry is staffed entirely by volunteers who give generously of their time to provide a personal and compassionate touch to people served by the pantry.

What We Do

We gather and distribute food to our Thunder Mountain Church family, our neighbors in Golden Acres and to organizations around Cochise County.

TMC Pantry Hours

Wednesdays 1pm-2pm
Sundays 10:30am-11:00am
1st Tuesday of every month 5:15 pm-5:45pm
To Go Food Bags are available in the Ministry Service Center
Monday - Thursday 9am-3pm

TMC Pantry's primary role is to show Jesus' compassion to individuals and families in our community facing:

  • Hunger
  • Difficult financial choices
  • Unforeseen financial setbacks
  • Underemployment - a situation in which individuals find it necessary to work in low-paying or low-skill jobs

In addition to distributing food, our long term goal is to provide in-house services and facilitate connections to resources in Cochise County that confront the root causes of hunger and encourage self-sufficiency.  

We distribute food bags to our neighbors in Golden Acres, residents of Sierra Vista, and organizations in Cochise County that help people achieve self-sufficiency including; Hoops House, Forgach House, SEABHS and Fountain of Hope Counseling.

May Pantry News

Greetings Pantry Supporters,
In the month of May the pantry added a new recipient of our To-Go Bag outreach. We brought food items in Bonita Springs. Bonita Springs is an elderly community that has residents in need of resources such as supplemental food. We had 17 guests in 30 minutes of us being there and gave away 53 food items. We were blessed to be able to help them and will continue to in the months to come.
We faithfully served the community through our regular pantry, and outreach bags and boxes, and the Community Connect event this month. In doing so, we helped put food in an estimated 153 stomachs.
We are saying goodbye to Holly Lewis as our Pantry Coordinator this month. Thank you, Holly, for all the hard work you have dedicated to this ministry. We will miss you.
Stepping in to lead us, the pantry team, is Kris Cremins. We welcome you, Kris. Thank you for your willingness to serve.
Keep us in your prayers as we march ahead.
Thank you,
Julie Pedersen
Pantry Volunteer