Great White Throne Judgment

Jul 21, 2024    Pastor Justin McPeak

We like redemption stories. We like to see the epic comebacks and the underdog written off his or her whole life finally win. These themes pop up again and again in media, television, and movies. Because we all deep down really like the idea and have the hope within us of a second chance. Even as a church one of our core beliefs is that “everyone has a past and a next step”. The thought being that our past, our sin, our mistakes don’t have to define us because God offers second chance after second chance. And that is so true! Yet what’s challenging is despite all those second chances, the reality is at some point for each of us they eventually end. And what happens then? What’s after this life? What will it be like to see God face to face? These are some of the questions we’ll explore in this week's message.